Auditors’ Behavior in Remote Work

(Reference: FAMC-2024-1-Post Doc)


We are looking for a talented post-doc to join us in the framework of the ANR research project REMOTAUDIT (auditors’ behavior in remote work). REMOTAUDIT is a joint project between ESSCA, IAE Lyon 3, and HEC Montréal, fully funded by the French research agency. It aims at answering one of the key questions raised by remote work: which levers, in terms of innovation, can we develop to achieve higher quality results in remote work as compared to on‐site work? The REMOTAUDIT project tackles this issue by studying the audit field and using experimental methods. The final goal is to improve information systems, possibly through nudges, to maintain or increase the telecommuters’ quality of work.

We are looking to fill the position as soon as possible. This is a two-year contract, ending at the latest on April 2026. This position is available either on the Lyon Campus of ESSCA or on its Aix-en-Provence one.

The salary is 40 K€ annually.

Job description

Working closely with the rest of the research team, you will be expected to

  • Carry experimental research, using neurophysiological tools (Eye tracking, skin conductance, HRV),
  • Analyze the data resulting from these experiments,
  • Co-author academic papers in collaboration with the other researchers in the team.

Required profile/skills

We are looking for applicants with a:

  • D. in Neuroscience with an interest in economics or management science, OR
  • D. in Economics or Management Science (accounting, finance…) with competencies regarding neurophysiological tools and statistics.

Applicants who are close to completing their Ph.D. will also be considered.


The future post-doc should ideally demonstrate:

  • Mastery of neurophysiological tools (eye tracking, HRV, skin conductance),
  • Competences in Statistical analysis of experimental data,
  • Fluent in English, capacity to write academic papers in English,
  • Ability to work in collaboration with other researchers from the team,
  • Competences in French are not essential.

Required documents

  • A detailed curriculum vitae (academic background and research experience),
  • A letter of motivation.

If you are interested, please send to Luc Meunier ( and Jean-François Gajewski (

Should you have any question, feel free to contact Luc Meunier (