Sliding Scale Tuition Fees

At ESSCA, we believe in making education accessible to all. Our tuition fees are adjusted according to each family’s financial resources (for European Union students only).

Tuition Fees Adapted to Individual Circumstances

In line with our commitment to widening participation and making our post-baccalaureate programmes more accessible, we’ve implemented a policy where tuition fees are tailored to each family’s financial situation. This ensures that as many students as possible have the opportunity to benefit from our high-quality educational offerings.

Steps to Calculate your Tuition Fees

Tuition fees at ESSCA are determined based on your family’s income bracket. Here’s a breakdown for the academic year 2024-25:

  • Masters in Management Programme: Tuition fees range from €0 (for those in income band 1) to €13,125 (for those in income band 12).
  • Bachelor in International Management (1st Year): Tuition fees range from €0 (for those in income band 1) to €9,630 (for those in income band 12).

Step 1: Determine the Resources of the Taxpayer’s Household

The resources of the parents’ tax household, to which the student is attached, are taken into account as per the conditions outlined in circular no. 2019-096 of 18 June 2019 from the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. This includes all resources, regardless of their nature or origin (in France or abroad), and particularly all allowances, benefits, and income of the tax household received over the calendar year n-2, before any allowance, charge, or deduction.  These resources include: total wages and salaries before the deduction of 10% and actual expenses, declared capital income, net property income, industrial and commercial profits, taxable or tax-exempt allowances and benefits, foreign income, and capital gains taxable in France.

Students are required to provide an official document, such as a tax assessment or equivalent, demonstrating the resources of their tax household. This document must be translated into French or English, and the translation must accompany the copies of the original tax returns. If the taxpayer’s household has additional income, this must be added to this amount.

Step 2: Determine the Number of Units in the Tax Household

For ESSCA, the number of units in the tax household is determined by counting 1 unit for each person in the tax household and an additional 0.5 unit for any dependent person in the household, irrespective of their age.

Step 3: Use the Simulator to Calculate Your Personalised Tuition Fees

To calculate your personalised tuition fees, you’ll need to use the simulator and input the following information:

  • The programme you’ve chosen (either Masters in Management or Bachelor’s in International Management)
  • The total income of the taxpayer’s household
  • The number of tax units in the household

Required Documents

When registering with ESSCA, the following documents must be provided. These are required for sliding scale tuition fees to be applied:

  • A complete copy of both parents’ 2023 tax notice (based on 2022 income).
  • A document indicating the composition of the household (such as a family record book or equivalent), especially if the number of units is not shown on the tax notice.
  • Any other document that shows the total income of the household.

During the registration process, depending on the situation, additional documents may be requested. However, for students in income band 12, no documents are required.

Please note, if all the necessary documents for calculating tuition fees are not provided, the full fee will be applicable.