Erasmus Charter

Discover the comprehensive quality framework ESSCA has implemented for its international activities!

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ESSCA International Strategy Statement - Erasmus Charter 2021-27

The Erasmus Charter for Higher Education establishes the overarching quality framework for European and international cooperation activities that a higher education institution undertakes as part of the Erasmus+ programme.

Access all the details here.

Etudiants internationaux en groupe

At the core of ESSCA School of Management’s strategy is international development. This is reflected in the recruitment of students and faculty, programme design, international case studies and teaching materials (IPA) integrated into our courses, and our research initiatives.

We are proud welcome more than 7,000 students representing over 50 different nationalities.

Our students immerse themselves in a vibrant multicultural environment every day, in particular at our Paris and Angers campuses.

Three pillars of ESSCA School of Management's international policy:


Internationalisation of ESSCA School of Management


Internationalisation of programmes, academic pathways and students


International recognition and visibility

1. ESSCA School of Management’s commitment to internationalisation

ESSCA’s objective is to develop the international dimension across every aspect of the School.

Development of international campuses

  • Our Malaga and Luxembourg campuses, opened in 2023
  • Our Shanghai campus in China founded in 2007, marked the arrival of the first cohort of French students in China
  • An established presence in Hungary with the Budapest campus since 1997

ESSCA stands out among the Grandes Écoles de Commerce for sending the largest contingent of French students to China.

In the 2019-20 academic year alone, over 1,100 students embarked on an educational journey at ESSCA’s international campuses in Shanghai and Budapest. Each year, we note an upward trend in the number of students, with a notable increase in international enrolments, reflecting a growing interest in our international campuses. The diversity of our student body through inter-campus mobility continues to expand, now encompassing nearly 50 different nationalities and a wide array of programmes.  At the same time, we have managed to successfully navigate increasingly complex visa applications procedures to ensure seamless inter-campus mobility for our students.

Development of partnerships

ESSCA School of Management has signed nearly 280 international agreements around the world to facilitate student and faculty mobility, double degrees, joint programmes, commercial agreements with international institutions and research.

Our academic partners span almost fifty countries, offering a rich tapestry of opportunities and cultural experiences. Students can choose from a wide range of destinations and subjects. In the past two years, we’ve focused on enhancing our network of academic partners worldwide. This includes venturing into previously ‘untapped’ locations and prioritising partnerships with accredited universities (such as those with AACSB, EQUIS, or AMBA credentials).

A prime example of our commitment to internationalisation is the double-degree collaboration with FUDAN University, which ranks number 1 in the prestigious C9 league table, the crème de la crème of Chinese universities.

Our pursuit of long-term, high-calibre partnerships is a cornerstone of ESSCA School of Management’s international policy.

Participation in the Erasmus+ Programme

ESSCA School of Management is an ERASMUS+ Charter for Higher Education holder.

ERASMUS+ is part of the wider ERASMUS programme.

Internationalisation of faculty

72% of our permanent faculty have an international background, bringing a wealth of global experience to the classroom. Notably, 27% of our faculty are international, enriching our academic community with diverse perspectives.

Encouraging international mobility

We champion the mobility of our faculty and administrative staff across our international campuses, fostering a spirit of European and worldwide exchange.

The International Advisory Board (IAB)

Comprising international development specialists, the IAB offers insightful analyses and recommendations to guide our senior management on international development questions. The IAB’s groundwork is laid by the International Committee, which includes Programme Directors, the Director General, and the International Relations team.

Foreign language proficiency

A considerable number of our administrative team are bilingual, with English language proficiency courses available to all staff members who wish to enhance their communication skills.

2. Internationalisation of programmes, academic pathways and students

  • Development of international programmes, including summer courses and Masters of Science taught entirely in English to cater to a global audience.
  • A portfolio of Bachelor’s programmes available in English for international students.
  • Adherence to the ECTS credit system and introduction of the Diploma Supplement, ensuring transparency and recognition of qualifications across Europe.
  • Multilingual teaching, with programmes in English and French delivered by professors with international experience.
  • To obtain the ESSCA Diploma, international mobility through internships and/or study periods is mandatory.
  • We actively research and implement financial aid programmes for international mobility, with grants available from local authorities and the European Commission.
  • Our commitment to diversity is reflected in our international recruitment process, which includes application reviews and personal interviews. Currently, 20% of our student population is international, showcasing the global appeal of our programmes.

3. Aspiring for international recognition and visibility


ESSCA School of Management is EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System) accredited by the EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development).

At the end of 2019, ESSCA School of Management obtained the renewal of its EQUIS accreditation for 3 years, joining an elite group of EQUIS accredited schools. This achievement is a tribute to the School’s new global, multi-campus strategy in the higher education sector and reaffirms the robustness and world-class excellence of its educational model.

In 2020, ESSCA School of Management renewed its AACSB accreditation, which evaluates the excellence of an institution, and in particular the quality of its faculty, programmes, and strategic implementation.

Initially accredited by AMBA in 2017, we are poised to renew this prestigious recognition in June 2020.

These accolades place ESSCA among the exclusive 1% of ‘Triple Crown’ Schools of Management worldwide that boast AACSB, AMBA and EQUIS accreditation.

In addition to these three prestigious international accreditations, ESSCA is an active participant in the European Commission’s ERASMUS+ network and the European Association for International Education (EAIE). ESSCA is also a member of other international organisations such as the French Chambers of Commerce in Shanghai, London and New York, as well as the European Chamber of Commerce in China and the Franco-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce in Budapest, strengthening our business and cultural ties with these regions.

Since 2015, ESSCA’s commitment to excellence has been recognized in the Financial Times rankings, showcasing our global impact and reputation.

International networks

The ACE consortium:

ESSCA School of Management is a member of the Alliance of Chinese and European Business Schools (ACE). Founded in 2013 at ESSCA’s Angers campus, ACE is a strategic alliance of leading business schools with an international focus, dedicated to promoting academic excellence and fostering a synergy between research and teaching among its members.

ACE positions itself as a powerful collective voice for the lobbying of European and Chinese authorities for the facilitation of student mobility, including smoother visa and work permit processes, and for the allocation of funding, such as scholarships.  Additionally, ACE champions the advancement of research through the pursuit of competitive grants such as the EU’s Horizon 2020. The ACE network encourages bilateral initiatives and pilot projects, operating within the framework of its sub-networks. The consortium’s joint decision-making body is the annual deans’ meeting, held alternately in Europe and China, ensuring a balanced representation and integration of perspectives. Networking meetings are held regularly in conjunction with EFMD events.

IBSA – The International Business School Alliance:

IBSA represents a dynamic collaboration among six nationally accredited institutions from the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, France, the United States and Russia. Founded in 2003, this alliance was formed with the vision of pooling resources to deliver top-level international business education, leveraging collective expertise and bringing its own specialised knowledge to the international stage. ESSCA became a part of the network in 2018, furthering its international reach. IBSA offers a distinctive double-degree master’s programme.  The first semester features a unified curriculum across the 6 partner institutions, promoting a shared academic foundation. This unique setup encourages faculty exchange, with professors teaching identical modules at different partner institutions, enriching the educational experience with diverse academic insights. This is a particular feature of the IBSA programme, which ESSCA benefits from as part of the alliance. The programme has already brought more than 20 new students from various nationalities to ESSCA’s Paris campus.

Prépa Vogt’ in Yaoundé:

ESSCA has set up an integrated pathway agreement with PrépaVogt, a Catholic institution in Yaoundé, Cameroon. In a pioneering test cohort, we carefully selected 30 high school graduates for a study programme that replicates the first two years of the Grande École curriculum on-site. This initiative allows these young students to engage in a robust educational experience, gaining both knowledge and maturity before transitioning to Europe. Upon successful completion and an ESSCA admissions review, they advance into the third year of the programme at our Angers campus.

Expanding the global alumni network

Over 20% of ESSCA School of Management graduates pursue careers abroad, with half engaging in international professional activities. Currently, more than 1,700 alumni hold permanent positions worldwide, fostering a vibrant network of alumni clubs across major global cities and regions. As of 2019, this network spanned 17 international clubs located in cities such as Tokyo, Montreal, Ho Chi Minh, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Sydney, Dubai, Singapore, Mexico City, London, Luxembourg, Madrid, Munich, New York, Brussels, Zurich, and Geneva.  In 2018, ESSCA alumni launched a network of 34 consulates across 25 countries, significantly easing the transition for alumni relocating to new cities or countries. This service, accessible to both alumni and current students, provides invaluable support during expatriation, enhancing ESSCA’s reputation and creating opportunities for internships and employment.

Active Participation in Global Forums. ESSCA maintains a strong presence in international educational forums, actively participating in events organised by Campus France, APAIE, NAFSA, and EAIE, furthering our global engagement and collaboration.

Jeune étudiante

Excellence of the welcome unit for international students at all ESSCA campuses in France

Before arrival:

Facilitating communication

  • Materials in English: We ensure all essential information is accessible by publishing materials in English.
  • Dedicated Web Tab: Our website,, features a special section for incoming students, complete with an online course catalogue and an academic calendar.
  • E-Application Process: We’ve simplified the application process for exchange students with an easy-to-use electronic application system.

Guidance and Support

  • Dedicated International Coordinator: An international coordinator specifically oversees incoming exchange students to ensure a smooth transition.
  • Academic Tutoring: Each student is paired with an academic tutor, offering personalised guidance on course selection to align with their academic goals.

Help with Accommodation

  • Housing Information Portal: incoming students have access to a comprehensive portal detailing student residences and private accommodation listings.

Arrival Assistance

  • Welcome Guide: A welcome guide is available for all ESSCA campuses, providing essential information to international students.
  • Student Services Team: Our welcoming team is here to assist incoming students with various services, from welcome upon arrival to helping them settle into their residence and offering practical support such as housing allowance applications.
  • Support for Non-Exchange Students: We extend our recruitment support to all international students, ensuring everyone receives the assistance they need.

Welcoming International Students:

A Seamless Integration Upon Arrival: Warm Welcome and Orientation

  • Welcome Days: Students kickstart their journey with welcome days, where they receive a warm greeting over coffee and meet the key contacts who will guide them through their time at ESSCA.
  • Welcome Packs: Students are provided with essential items such as student cards, city maps, public transport guides, and more to help them navigate their new surroundings with ease.

Communication and School Integration

  • Dedicated Coordinators: Our coordinators are committed to ensuring a smooth integration into the school community.
  • ESSCA Extranet Access: Students can dive into a wealth of resources, including testimonials, contacts, and practical information, all available on the ESSCA extranet.
  • Student Clubs & Societies: Opportunities to engage with student groups focused on welcoming international students and fostering a sense of belonging.
  • Buddy System: Our ‘Buddy System’ pairs international students with a current student to help them settle in.
  • Residence Permit Assistance: We provide support to help students obtain their residence permit.
  • French Language Courses: Tailored French language courses are available to suit various proficiency levels, enhancing students’ communication skills.

During the stay of international students:

  • Community Events: Opportunities to participate in social events such as international meetings, inter-country challenges, culinary explorations, and international buffets.
  • Residence Permit Assistance: We provide support to help students renew their residence permit, including dedicated days and on-campus assistance from prefecture representatives (specifically at the Sophia Antipolis campus).
  • Continuous Support: Our Front Office and dedicated team are available across all campuses to assist international students throughout their stay.

As international students depart:

  • Feedback for Excellence: ESSCA values feedback from its international students. A satisfaction survey is administered to gather their insights, helping us continually enhance the quality of our services.