Double Degrees

Experience thrilling opportunities in over 20 countries at prestigious universities worldwide!

wall of university

ESSCA presents a multitude of double degree opportunities:

  • Hybrid: Earn an MSc in Technology and Management from CentraleSupélec, or specialise in wine or agronomy with degrees from ESA (Ecole Supérieure des Agricultures).
  • Career focused: Engage in MSc programmes at ESSCA’s campuses in Paris, Lyon, Malaga, and Shanghai, with the option to combine them with the Masters in Management programme for a double degree.

International: Collaborate with top universities on each continent, including HEC Montréal, Fudan University, Berkeley, Université Internationale de Rabat

Etudiants en salle de cours

A double degree offers you a host of advantages:

  • In-depth Expertise, equipping you with a unique blend of skills, and enhancing your versatility in the job market
  • Extensive Network: providing access to a diverse network of graduates from two distinguished institutions, opening professional opportunities for you across various sectors and geographical regions
  • Added Value in the Job Market: employers value the diverse skills and experiences that a double degree brings, setting you apart from the competition
  • Personal and Academic Enrichment: exposing you to a variety of perspectives, and stimulating your critical thinking

Double degrees in collaboration with international partner universities



(French language double degrees)

  • HEC Montréal, DESS en :
    • Commerce électronique
    • Chaine logistique
    • Analyse d’affaires/Technologies de l’information
    • Développement durable
    • Développement organisationnel
    • Management
    • Entrepreneuriat et Innovation
  • Université Laval, MBA en Marketing Stratégique
  • Université Laval, MBA en Gestion Internationale de l’entreprise



Universidad Icesi, Master in Finance




Kozminski University, Master in Finance and Accounting
