Student well-being: a priority at ESSCA

At ESSCA, we believe that student well-being is paramount. We understand that having a secure and caring environment is not just beneficial, but essential for both living and studying. It’s this environment that lays the foundation for building a successful future.

Promoting well-being and good health

We run prevention initiatives throughout the year, aimed at educating students on good prevention practices, providing information, safeguarding them, and combating risky behaviour. Our goal is to promote a healthy lifestyle!

We have implemented practical measures, including dedicated health zones on campus and prevention centres within student clubs and societies, to ensure high-quality projects and effective communication.

ESSCA also provides activities to help you unwind, manage stress, and care for your body and mind, such as yoga, relaxation workshops, and sophrology. Psychologists are readily available on all campuses.

ESSCA is committed to maintaining a safe and respectful environment. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards sexist and sexual abuse, discrimination of any kind, harassment, and hazing. We’ve partnered with Egaé, a specialised law firm, to provide support to any students who are victims or witnesses of such incidents.

ESSCA is committed to a zero-tolerance policy towards sexist and sexual violence, discrimination in all forms, harassment, and hazing. The school has established a partnership with Egaé, a specialised consultancy, accessible to all students who are victims or witnesses.

Well-being at ESSCA defined:


student-run prevention projects


prevention and well-being school initiatives

At ESSCA, prevention is about equipping everyone with the resources they need to thrive in their academic journey. ESSCA is committed to a series of actions and initiatives that promote student well-being and respect for all.

At ESSCA, we ensure that each student finds the tools and facilities they need to thrive in their daily lives and in their future careers.Your well-being matters to us.

Thanks to the BDE (Student Office), I was able to organise a large-scale prevention project where we produced 3 videos to warn against risky behaviours. By featuring the school’s students in these videos, we were able to make a greater impact. This project was made possible particularly with the support of other BDE members, but most importantly, the school itself.