Inclusion and diversity

ESSCA is committed to promoting inclusion and diversity across all its campuses. Find out more about our commitments and programmes designed to unlock the potential of each student.

Etudiants diversité

A School accessible to all

Sliding scale tuition fees

At ESSCA, we believe that the cost of studies should not be a barrier to ambition. That’s why we’ve implemented a sliding scale tuition fee structure. This pioneering and unprecedented initiative makes ESSCA the first French management school to adjust its fees beyond the CROUS household income-related bursaries. Our goal is to give all applicants a fair chance to pursue their educational aspirations.

Tuition fees are adjusted according to the resources of each household. This is based on a family income tax quotient (QF), calculated from N-2 income. This ensures that the financial burden is proportionate and fair, making our programmes more accessible to a wider range of students.

Who can benefit from sliding-scale tuition fees?


Master in Management programme students, for the first 3 years of study


Bachelor in International Management programme students, for the first 2 years of study


All students whose parents' tax residence is in the European Union

 The Learning Assistance Centre (CAP)

Comprising a multi-disciplinary team across various campuses, the CAP provides a range of support services. These include individual tutoring, “Learning to Learn” workshops (covering areas such as concentration, stress management, and work methodology), individual coaching, and academic assistance from student tutors.

Our aim is to offer personalised support to help each and every student succeed in their studies.

Welcoming international students

At ESSCA, we place a high priority on welcoming the international student community. We offer wild range services to ensure a smooth transition for our international students:

  • International Desk: a multiservice welcome platform available upon admission, designed to assist you from the moment you join us.
  • living in France presentations and webinars: informative sessions about the steps to take before your arrival in France, helping you prepare for your journey.
  • Welcome Day integration events: a series of events to help you integrate into the ESSCA community, featuring international student clubs and the wider student community.

ESSCA is proud to have been recognised with the ‘Bienvenue en France’ label, a testament to our efforts to welcome and integrate international students.

Etudiants en train de travailler

Creating a cultural melting pot

Inspired by the unique challenges faced by individuals navigating a new country on their own, we decided to set up the BDI (International Students’ Office) at ESSCA Lyon. Our mission is straightforward: to complement the school’s welcome initiatives by providing personal support and promoting the integration of all international students. This applies whether they are participating in an exchange programme or joining our programmes from abroad.
Etudiants détente

ESSCA Disability-Inclusive Policy

At ESSCA, we are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all students. Our disability-inclusive policy is a testament to this commitment. This policy is reflected in the presence of a dedicated contact person on each campus, ensuring that support is always within reach.

We understand that each student’s needs are unique, especially when it comes to visible or invisible disabilities or disabling illnesses. That’s why we enable the implementation of support methods that are adapted to each student’s specific needs.

ESSCA Diversity and Inclusion Commission

ESSCA’s commitment to diversity and inclusion is embodied in the creation of the Diversity and Inclusion Commission in 2021. This commission, composed of students, alumni, institutional partners, and ESSCA staff members, reflects our dedication to fostering an inclusive environment.

The Commission’s purpose is to reflect, engage in dialogue, and develop proposals and initiatives. These efforts aim to enable the School and its external stakeholders to generate a tangible and positive impact in society, advocating for inclusion, accessibility, and equal opportunities.