Scientific Council

ESSCA’s Scientific Council is an external committee composed of research directors and scholars recognised for the quality of their research both in France and internationally.

The objective of ESSCA’s Scientific Council is to provide a critical review of the previous year’s academic performance and to put forward to ESSCA’s Governance those scientific orientations it deems appropriate in the light of the School’s strategy and competitive context. This committee not only guarantees the continuous improvement of our activities, but also provides a source of inspiration and legitimacy for our fields of research.

Members of the Scientific Council

Our Scientific Council is made up of 5 permanent members from renowned international higher education institutions. They all have very strong academic credentials.

Professor Alain Decrop

Professor of Marketing at the Faculty of Economics, Social Sciences and Management, University of Namur

Professor Decrop has a degree in Modern History and Economics and a PhD in Management Science. He is the director of CeRCLe (Centre de Recherche sur la Consommation et les Loisirs) and co-director of CCMS (Center on Consumers and Marketing Strategy).

His research interests focus on consumer decision making, postmodern consumer phenomena, qualitative methods, and tourism and leisure marketing.

He is the author of many works in these fields, published in several books and in leading scientific international journals. Since May 2019, Alain Decrop is also the 1st vice-president of the French Marketing Association (AFM).

Alain Decrop – Université de Namur

Professor Helen Drake

Professor of French and European Studies and Director of the Institute for Diplomacy and International Governance, Loughborough University London.

Professor Helen Drake is a graduate of Aston University with a PhD in European Studies. She has an international reputation and specialises in contemporary French politics and European studies. Helen was President of the UK’s leading academic association for contemporary European studies (UACES) from 2012 to 2018. Since 2016, Helen has undertaken a series of research projects on the topic of the UK’s departure from the European Union (Brexit).

Her research and professional interests also include French politics and society, EU governance issues, and the history of European studies in the UK.
Among many honours, Helen has been named Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques, a title awarded by the French government for services to French culture and language.

Helen Drake – Loughborough University London

Professor Michel Magnan

Ph.D., FRSC, FCPA auditor, FCA, ASC, V. Dir.

Michel Magnan is Professor and Stephen Jarislowsky Chair in Corporate Governance at Concordia University’s John Molson School of Business. He is also a member of the scientific committee of the Desjardins Centre for Innovation in Corporate Finance at Concordia University and a CIRANO Fellow. He holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Washington (Seattle). He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and a Distinguished Member of the “Ordre de l’Excellence en Education du Québec”.

His academic career spans over 30 years. His research and professional interests include financial statement analysis, governance, executive compensation, ethics, corporate social responsibility, and corporate disclosure. He is currently editor of three journals and serves on several editorial boards. He is currently a consulting editor for Contemporary Accounting Research, having served as its editor-in-chief from 2007 to 2010. He serves on the boards of several organisations.

Michel Magnan – Concordia University 

Professor Ulrike Mayrhofer

Professor in Management Sciences at the IAE of Nice, Université Côte d’Azur.

Ulrike Mayrhofer is the director of studies for the Executive MBA (Master of Business Administration) and co-director of the “Digital Marketing & International Business” axis of the GRM laboratory (Management Research Group).

Her areas of teaching and research are international and intercultural management, corporate strategy and marketing. Ulrike Mayrhofer has published numerous books (including Management interculturel. Comprendre et gérer la diversité culturelle, Vuibert, 2017; Les Grands Auteurs en Management International, Editions Management & Société, 2014), book chapters and articles in scientific and professional journals. Author of pedagogical case studies, she has won several times the “Top Author” Award and the “Top Case” Award of the CCMP (Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques). She is Senior Editor of the European Journal of International Management, a member of the Board (representing France) of the EIBA (European International Business Academy) and Honorary President of the Atlas AFMI (Association Francophone de Management International) network.

Ulrike Mayrhofer – Université Côte d’Azur

Professor Maurice Thévenet

Professor of Human Resources Management, Cnam - Professor at the Management Department, ESSEC Business School.

A graduate of Essec, with a degree in law and theology, Professor Maurice Thévenet holds a PhD in Management Sciences from Aix-Marseille III University and a Higher Doctorate. He is also Professeur agrégé des universités (Management Sciences, 1991).

Co-founder of Holodis, he is an international consultant to companies regarding management and development of people.
He is the author of numerous books and articles on corporate culture, management and leadership.
A former holder of the HRM chair at the Cnam, Maurice Thévenet was Director of the ESSEC business school and President of the AGRH (Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines).

Maurice Thévenet – ESSEC