Research Labs

Research Labs at ESSCA: Shared Resources for Research and Impact

Behavioral and Experimental Lab

A lab on ESSCA’s Lyon campus

  • 22 networked workstations
  • Physiological measurement equipment for assessing emotional state (sensors for electrodermal conductivity and pulse) and gaze (eye tracker)

A mobile unit set up for real-world experiments in settings such as public transportation, shopping centres and pop-up stores.

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Data Lab

The Data Lab is a hub for exchanges among ESSCA researchers, scientists from partner institutions, and industry professionals in the data processing domain.

A lab focussing on

  • Training faculty members in the utilisation and articulation of AI algorithms for processing massive datasets
  • Aiding in the development of empirical protocols through continuous monitoring of languages and algorithms across various disciplines
  • Providing equipment and expertise to help businesses address industrial problems by applying AI methods and algorithms
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