Knowledge and Impact

Research at ESSCA is characterised by its commitment to the production and dissemination of innovative and relevant knowledge. We have an integrated vision of research and its impact, combining academic excellence, relevance to economic actors and societal responsibility.

The work of our researchers is intended to make a significant contribution to the influence and development of ESSCA by producing cutting-edge knowledge in our areas of expertise.

Research at the service of our students, companies, decision-makers and society as a whole

We attach particular importance to disseminating this knowledge to our students, who thus benefit from teaching that is in step with the latest advances in research. We are also committed to sharing our work with businesses, decision-makers and society in general, in order to inform debates and guide strategic choices.

Recognition of our academic excellence

We are constantly striving to disseminate our work to the French and international scientific communities, by publishing in leading academic journals and taking part in conferences and seminars. This recognition of our research by our peers attests to the quality and attractiveness of our school, both nationally and internationally. In short, ESSCA’s research is part of a dynamic of knowledge creation and sharing, serving academic excellence, pedagogical innovation, and societal impact.

A dedicated website has been created to showcase the contributions of ESSCA researchers:

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