
Invest in future talent and support ESSCA's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy

For over 100 years, ESSCA has been training and nurturing promising talent, driven by a passion for teaching and guided by a system of values combining humanism, responsibility, honesty and solidarity.

Our conviction: high-quality education combines with strong values to offer all young people the best chance of becoming well-balanced, concerned citizens, who will also flourish in their professional lives.

Through its educational model, ESSCA strives to translate this conviction into practice. Our aim is to reduce the financial obstacle that can hinder the ambitions of students who have all the intellectual and interpersonal qualities required to successfully complete the School’s programme. We also aim to continually improve the human and material resources needed to ensure their success.

Etudiante sur campus

Do you share our values and ambition? Join us in supporting one of the following projects:

  • Scholarships
  • Infrastructure
  • Tax provisions relating to donations

We thank you in advance for your support, which is a sign of the trust you place in our School.

Make a donation

As part of the development of its widening participation policy, ESSCA has introduced tuition fees that are adjusted according to the resources of each family.

> For more information

Support the Success of Our Students by Backing ESSCA’s Projects

Whether you are an individual or a business, making a donation to a private higher education institution of general interest and non-profit status allows you to benefit from attractive tax incentives


Donation for Income Tax (IR) Donations entitle you to an income tax reduction equal to 66% of the amount donated, up to a limit of 20% of taxable income. Article 200 of the CGI.


  • A donation of €100 only costs you €34 after tax deduction.
  • A donation of €2,000 only costs you €680 after tax deduction.

Donation for Real Estate Wealth Tax (IFI) The IFI reduction is equal to 75% of the amount donated and is capped at €50,000.

Donation from Financial Assets Via a legacy, a donation, or a life insurance policy.


Sponsorship operations entitle you to a tax reduction equal to 60% of the amount donated, up to a limit of 5 per thousand of the company’s turnover. Article 238 bis of the CGI.

Example: When a company donates €1,000, it actually costs €400 after tax deduction.

Sebastien LOUET

Group Corporate Partnerships Manager