Apprenticeship Tax

By allocating your apprenticeship tax to ESSCA, you can become a partner of our School and unlock a range of opportunities!

The French apprenticeship tax is the only tax that a French company or international company with a subsidiary in France can choose to allocate to the school or schools of its choice. This allows companies to directly influence and contribute to the development of educational programmes and skills they consider important for their industry or sector.

By becoming a partner of ESSCA, you gain access to a range of exclusive opportunities!

  • Develop your employer brand among our 7,000 students, talking to them at events specially organised for you, hosting conferences, round tables, workshops, etc.
  • Meet and recruit ESSCA students through invitations to take part in our events (work placement, graduate / work-study recruitment forums, etc.), by offering vacancies live through specially targeted initiatives, etc.
  • Benefit from the expertise of our professors and the ESSCA Research Lab
  • Participate in the School’s teaching by taking part in the steering committee for programmes that are directly relevant to your business activities.
  • Take inspiration from our students’ thinking on your specific challenges, consulting projects, business cases, etc.
ESSCA drapeau

Contributing your tax to l’ESSCA translates into:

  • Facilitating the professional integration of our students
  • Backing original and innovative teaching methodologies
  • Attracting new, high-calibre professors to the School
  • Funding studies and research projects that are beneficial to companies
  • Supporting investments in high-quality educational provision
Jean Charroin


The financial contribution you make to ESSCA supports our objective of offering a rich and successful student experience by constantly improving their study conditions.

Stages of the fundraising process:

  • April: communication of accounting information via the DSN platform (déclaration sociale nominative)
  • From 27 May: choice of beneficiary institutions on the Soltéa government platform
  • End of June: transfer of funds to the Caisse des Dépôts (Deposits and Consignments Fund)
  • Funds are administered by the Caisse des Dépôts then allocations confirmed by Soltéa
  • From 9 August: payment of contributions to the School

To note

  • UAI Code (Unité Administrative Immatriculée – Registered Administrative Unit) ESSCA: 0490076S
  • UAI Code ESSCA Aix En Provence: 0134164F
  • UAI Code ESSCA Bordeaux: 0333363B
  • UAI Code ESSCA Paris: 0922593U
  • UAI Code ESSCA Lyon: 0694280C
  • UAI Code ESSCA Strasbourg: 0673172J