Funding options

Support and financial aid alternatives to fund your programme.

For over 40 years, we have been working with you to develop new skills by helping you put your training programme into action.

We can guide you in your choice of financing and will assist you throughout the process.

Our diploma courses are eligible for the French CPF (Personal Training Account): go to and select ESSCA – Angers, Boulogne-Billancourt or Lyon campuses.

Financial Support Options

Personal Training Account (CPF)

  • The Personal Training Account (CPF) enables anyone in employment to earn training credits that can be used throughout their working life.

Professional Transition Project (CPF de Transition)

  • This scheme is open to employees who wish to retrain while taking professional leave. It covers 100% of the cost of the training and ensures that they continue to be paid for the duration of the course.

Applications must be submitted and approved 3 months before the start of the course.

Financing by the Unemployment Office (France Travail)

  • Apply through your France Travail adviser.
  • Further information:

Vocational Training Contract (contrat de professionnalisation)

  • The vocational training contract is a work-study contract between a private-sector employer and an employee who meets certain criteria. It enables the trainee to earn a vocational qualification (RNCP curriculum) as part of a continuing education programme.

It is intended for young people aged 18 to 25 and jobseekers over 26.

Your company's skills development plan (plan de développement des compétences)

  • The skills development plan lists all the training initiatives put in place and financed by the employer for its employees.
  • Please contact your HR department to discuss how your project fits in with your company’s needs.
  • Further information:

Work-study retraining or promotion (Pro-A)

  • Pro-A comes in addition to the company’s skills development plan and the personal training account (CPF). The list of professional qualifications eligible for Pro-A and covered by your OPCO (a French government-approved organisation responsible for overseeing vocational training) is laid down in an industry-wide collective agreement.
  • Pro-A is a joint project between the company and the employee. Please contact your HR department to discuss your project.
  • Further information:

Professional Protection Contract (Contrat de Sécurisation Professionnelle - CSP)

  • This contract is designed to redeploy employees affected by redundancy.
  • All our diploma courses are eligible for the CSP.
  • Further information:

Apprenticeship contract

  • This scheme is aimed at young people aged between 16 and 29 (30 minus 1 day) and confers the status of apprentice.
  • Further information:


  • ESSCA offers solutions through a monthly payment schedule for the duration of the course for diploma programmes.
  • Your training fees are deductible from your taxes if you are an employee or a job seeker registered with the French Unemployment Office (Pôle Emploi), as long as they are incurred with a view to improving your professional situation or moving into a new profession.
  • You can also take out a student loan.

For personalised support and advise contact us:


Training Advisor