Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility

At ESSCA, we are committed to taking tangible steps towards sustainable development and social responsibility on an everyday basis.

Core Commitments: Driving Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility

The challenges of sustainable development and the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies are at the core of ESSCA’s values, its strategic plan and the School’s governance. ESSCA’s SD&RS strategy was developed with input from key stakeholders and approved by the Board of Trustees. This has enabled us to define and provide guidance on the main areas of focus.

ESSCA’s Executive Committee champions the strategic foundations of this approach and ensures the integration of all its dimensions: strategy and governance, teaching and training, research and innovation, environment, and social policy.

ESSCA Sustainable Development & Social Responsibility strategy

Training responsible managers

ESSCA’s mission is to cultivate responsible managers and entrepreneurs. Our students develop a solid understanding of environmental, social, and societal issues, which are seamlessly integrated into every aspect of their learning journey.

We also actively promote a culture of continuous improvement among students and staff, encouraging them to incorporate environmental, social, and societal considerations into all their decision-making processes.

In 2023, ESSCA’s commitment to this ethos was recognised by the Financial Times, ranking us 20th globally in its Masters in Management league table for the proportion of teaching hours allocated to ethics, societal, and environmental issues, as well as climate solutions aimed at mitigating organisational impact.

Adhering to the standards set by the Conference of French Business Schools Directors (CDEFM), We ensure that all our degree programmes include specific modules dedicated to sustainable development, ethics, and corporate social responsibility. Additionally, plans are underway to introduce a cross-disciplinary core of skills aligned with ecological and societal transitions.

In 2023, we furthered our commitment by partnering with the UVED foundation (Virtual University for the Environment and Sustainable Development). This digital university platform fosters collaboration between higher education, research, and stakeholders involved in the ecological transition. Through this partnership, ESSCA contributes to the foundation’s resources and gains access to teaching material for both our faculty and students.

Developing Your Ethical Conscience

At ESSCA, we believe sustainable development and social responsibility are integral to your academic journey. Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) courses are embedded across all programmes, with nearly 50% of courses addressing at least one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Right from your induction phase, we offer two initiatives to underscore our commitment to sustainable development and CSR:

  • Partnership with Splash Project: In collaboration with Splash Project, an international non-profit organisation, we provide you with the opportunity to engage in community and solidarity projects, generating connections with other students and making a positive impact.
  • Entrepreneurial Marathon by Makesense: Supervised by Makesense, a company that imagines tools and programmes for collaborative action, our Entrepreneurial Marathon empowers you to contribute to building an inclusive and sustainable society.

These initiatives reflect our dedication to creating an environment that nurtures your ethical conscience and encourages your active participation in sustainable practices.

Empowering You for Ethical Leadership

To equip you with the tools for ethical decision-making, ESSCA offers two specialisations in the 5th year: “Social Innovation and Management of the Social and Solidarity Economy” and “Sustainable Management”. These programmes allow you to explore the study and application of sustainable development principles and social responsibility within a business context.

Our MSc in Sustainable Management & Social Impact combines sustainable management with social impact assessment, empowering graduates to independently implement sustainable strategies within organisations.

For those seeking a digital and international perspective on sustainability, our ESSCA Online Campus platform offers an MSc in International Business 4.0 – Leading Green & Digital Transformation. This programme provides a solid foundation in sustainability within the context of global digital transformation, enabling you to contribute to a more sustainable world.

Beyond the academic sphere, ESSCA encourages you to take tangible action through our clubs and societies, including the ASE (‘Association Solidaire et Environnementale’), active on the Aix-en-Provence, Angers, and Paris campuses. Led by a dynamic and ambitious team, this organisation inspires solidarity among ESSCA students through humanitarian, social, and environmental projects.

Empowering You for a Sustainable Future

ESSCA is taking decisive action in the fight against global warming, with an ambitious strategic plan to achieve carbon neutrality across its campuses by 2035. This wide-reaching approach includes various initiatives such as waste reduction and management, ethical purchasing practices, biodiversity preservation, and the construction of environmentally conscious facilities certified by rigorous standards for sustainability.

To strengthen its commitment, ESSCA has created:

  • The Institute of Sustainable Transport and Mobility (2021): This institute focuses on research and innovation in ecological transport, implementing practical solutions to reduce the School’s carbon footprint.
  • The Institute for Ethical Fashion and Ecological Consumption (2023): A pioneering initiative, this institute brings together French and international experts to advance knowledge and practices in the rapidly evolving field of ethical fashion and sustainable consumption.
  • The AI Sustainability Institute: Dedicated to interdisciplinary research on artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential to support a sustainable future, this institute explores innovative ways AI can contribute to environmental conservation.

In 2023, ESSCA was awarded the DDRS (Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility) label, recognising its longstanding commitment and actions in promoting sustainable development and social responsibility for over a decade. The fact that the label was awarded for the first time for a maximum of four years also reflects the maturity of the School’s sustainability culture and practices.

Empowering Equal Opportunities and Inclusion

At ESSCA, we strive to provide every student with the opportunity to succeed by implementing initiatives aimed at facilitating professional integration and promoting social inclusion. This commitment is evident in our partnerships with organisations such as “Les Apprentis d’Auteuil” in Aix-en-Provence, and “Entraide Scolaire” and “Cap d’Agir” in Bordeaux, which offer tutoring services in inner-city neighbourhoods.

Furthermore, we have introduced access arrangements for people with disabilities and set up a special commission for diversity and inclusion. Since 2021, we have introduced a policy of adjusting tuition fees based on family resources, ensuring accessibility for all students.

For several years, ESSCA has emphasised its commitment to promoting best practices and strengthening collective awareness of societal issues and challenges through public partnerships with the “Assises de la Parité” and the “Sommet de l’Inclusion Économique”.

francois viaud

For over a century, ESSCA has remained steadfast in its commitment to responsible values

I am dedicated to supporting and advancing our responsible strategy to co-create a future with our stakeholders.

Pioneering Research for Responsible Leadership

At ESSCA, we embrace a collaborative approach to research, ensuring our campuses are deeply integrated into their regional scientific ecosystems. Our research is centred around a common theme: responsible leadership.

The work conducted by our researchers not only advances knowledge but also directly shapes our teaching practices, ensuring that ESSCA remains at the forefront of educational innovation.

Our commitment to sustainability and responsible leadership is illustrated by our membership in key initiatives:

  • Joining “Campus Responsables” in 2009 and signing the UN Charter in 2012
  • Becoming a member of the Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI) in 2015 and joining the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) in 2017
  • Introducing tuition fee modulation for Bachelor’s and Grande Ecole programmes and establishing a Diversity and Inclusion Commission in 2021
  • At the beginning of the 2023 academic year, ESSCA further strengthened its structure dedicated to sustainable development and corporate social responsibility (CSR) by establishing a Sustainable Impact and CSR Department. François Viaud, a Doctor of Economics specialising in questions of territorial responsibility, has been appointed to collaborate with our stakeholders in guiding our policy for sustainability and responsibility.
  • The DDRS label, awarded for the maximum 4-year period in 2024 at the first attempt, demonstrates the maturity of the culture and practices at ESSCA in promoting sustainable development and societal responsibility.