International accreditations

ESSCA’s triple international accreditation (AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS) places it among the elite group of “Triple Crown” business schools globally, comprising less than 1% of institutions.


In May 2014, ESSCA was awarded prestigious international accreditation by the American organisation AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), placing it among the top 5% of business schools worldwide. AACSB accredits only the best universities and business schools based on their academic standards, programme quality, and strategic relevance.


In 2017, ESSCA’s Master in Management received accreditation from AMBA (Association of MBAs), a prestigious London-based organisation and one of the oldest quality labels in management higher education. AMBA accredits institutions offering Master’s-level programmes, evaluating teaching quality, research output, and programme coherence. ESSCA’s accreditation highlights the excellence of the Master in Management, including its continuing education version in Angers and Paris.


In June 2016, ESSCA received EQUIS accreditation from EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development), Europe’s premier accreditation agency. EQUIS-accredited institutions must demonstrate excellence across all dimensions of their operations and demonstrate a robust commitment to internationalisation.

EQUIS certification signifies a harmonious blend of rigorous academic standards in teaching and research, along with strong industry connections. Emphasis is placed on cultivating an effective learning environment that nurtures students’s managerial and entrepreneurial abilities while fostering a heightened sense of global responsibility. Additionally, EQUIS recognises innovation, particularly in programme design and pedagogy.

Labels and qualifications

ESSCA’s programmes hold recognition from various bodies, affirming the institution’s excellence against stringent benchmarks. Each programme upholds the highest quality standards.

Grade de Master

This label for second-cycle postgraduate studies is awarded by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, signifying a high level of professional aptitude and diploma quality at the national level.

ESSCA is among just 10 post-baccalaureate business schools in France authorised to confer a Master’s degree awarded by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research


Grade de Licence

ESSCA’s Bachelor’s degree in International Management has been awarded the national “Grade de Licence”. This additional accreditation guarantees the high quality of the programme, both professionally and academically.

This recognition, granted by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, specifically evaluates the programme’s link to research, the School’s widening participation policy and its local presence and engagement.


ESSCA is under contract with the French State and qualified as a Private Higher Education Institution of General Interest (EESPIG). This contract implies:

  • – Commitments to participate in the public service missions of higher education
    (widening participation, dissemination of knowledge, European and international
  • – Being a public research operator
  • – Evaluation by the HCERES, the High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education, on the same criteria as public institutions in France.


The DD&RS label recognises and promotes the sustainable development and corporate social responsibility (CSR) approach within higher education and research institutions across 5 key areas: Strategy & Governance, Training & Education, Research & Innovation, Environmental Management and Social Policy.

Awarded to ESSCA in 2024, this recognition places the School among 41 institutions granted the label for a maximum of 4 years from their initial application, demonstrating the maturity of the culture and practices within ESSCA in promoting sustainable development and societal responsibility.

Bienvenue en France

The “Welcome to France” Label evaluates the quality of the reception, assistance, and guidance provided to international students by higher education institutions.

Launched in 2019 by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation, its objectives include:

  • – Informing international students about the practical aspects of their stay in institutions.
  • – Certifying the quality of the welcome offered and highlighting initiatives taken by French institutions.
  • – Promoting a culture of hospitality within universities and schools.

The label is awarded based on criteria such as the accessibility and quality of information, reception facilities, teaching support, accommodation and quality of life on campus, and the quality of supervision after graduation.


In December 2018, ESSCA was awarded the BSIS (Business School Impact System) label by FNEGE* and EFMD**.

This system evaluates and certifies the academic, scientific, economic, societal and environmental impact of a business school on its local and regional communities.

Conférence des Grandes Écoles

This association is made up of the best engineering and business schools in France. The Grande École quality label is awarded after a rigorous audit. ESSCA holds the distinction of being the first 5-year business school accepted into the Conférence des Grandes Écoles.

As a sign of quality, its Masters of Science, Advanced Master and Badge programmes are accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles.

Logo France Compétences

France Compétences

As a national public institution, France Compétences is responsible for regulating the quality and conditions of professional qualifications in France. It is in charge of checking the validity of training courses and qualifications registered in the RNCP (Répertoire National de la Certification Professionnelle). ESSCA’s programmes are registered in the RNCP and aim for certifications at levels 6 and 7, meaning that the degrees are professionally recognised.


EOCCS, the Online Course Certification System, is also awarded by the EFMD. ESSCA obtained this accreditation in December 2017 for its Creative Box MOOC launched in 2015 by the School’s Institute of Advanced Pedagogy on the theme of creativity driving innovation. EOCCS certifies the excellence of the courses delivered and the teaching expertise already acclaimed by thousands of learners.

EOCCS certification was renewed in 2021 for an additional three years.


ESSCA has obtained the UN PRME label to encourage social responsibility. The United Nations Global Compact’s Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) initiative aims to inspire and promote responsible management education, research and practices internationally.

Learn more


This mark of excellence, granted for a duration of 3 years, aims to “certify the quality of the processes implemented for activities that contribute to skill development, and to make the training on offer more transparent to employers and users”. It also facilitates access to public or pooled funds allocated for training purposes.

Click here to view the certificate.

ESSCA is a member of:

AACSB International

The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business is a US-based organisation dedicated to promoting excellence and continuous improvement in the quality of higher business education worldwide. As such, it evaluates the methods, resources and programmes of institutions applying for accreditation.

aacsb accredited 2024 - david ranc - Stephanie Bryant


Since 2013, the Alliance of Chinese and European Business Schools (ACE) under the patronage of EFMD, counts twenty universities and higher education institutions among its founding members, including ESSCA, the only French business school in this leading network. Its aim is to promote academic excellence and synergy between research and education in order to better prepare the next generation of managers. Planned activities include a joint programme under the ACE label, faculty and student exchanges, research projects and conferences, and the development of international skills modules.

ESSCA, with its presence in China since 2007 and a network of 9 campuses in Europe, is positioned as a key player in international cooperation. In 2023, Jean Charroin, Dean, was appointed Vice- CEO of the ACE consortium.


AMBA is one of the main global accreditations dedicated to business schools. It denotes the highest standard of achivement in postgraduate business education.The philosophy of AMBA accreditation is centred on impact, employability and learning outcomes. Since 2017, ESSCA has been AMBA accredited for its Grande Ecole programme.

Angers Loire Campus

Since 2013, ESSCA has been an active member of Angers Loire Campus, which serves as the metropolitan coordinating entity for higher education and research activities in Angers.


ESSCA is a member of the Conférence des Directeurs d’Écoles Françaises de Management (Federation of French Business School Directors). The organisation serves as the voice of these schools to various stakeholders, including the French government, the European Union, student and employer associations, national and international accreditation bodies, and other international bodies overseeing teaching and research. The CDEFM is also entrusted with representing the collective interests of institutions and schools awarding management degrees recognised by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.


CEEMAN, or The International Association for Management Development in Dynamic Societies, was founded following the fall of the Berlin Wall by a group of visionaries in management higher education in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). With its headquarters in Slovenia, the association has become a dynamic network and a forum for exchange which, with over 210 member institutions worldwide, extends far beyond the European context.


The first 5-year business school to be accepted into the Conférence des Grandes Écoles, ESSCA is also a member of the regional conferences in Auvergne Rhône Alpes, Nouvelle Aquitaine, Pays de Loire and Région Sud.


The CIDEGEF (International Conference of Leaders of French-speaking Higher Education and Research Management Institutions) is an association representing management sciences within the French-speaking University Agency (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie – AUF). Its mission is to encourage projects aimed at disseminating and
promoting the French model of higher education and research worldwide.


EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development) is Europe’s leading accreditation agency. It awards the EPAS (EFMD Programme Accreditation System) label for programmes that demonstrate excellence.

Euro App Mobility

ESSCA has decided to make a concrete contribution to inter and intra-campus mobility projects on a European scale by becoming the first management school to join the Euro App Mobility association, whose objective is to facilitate international learning experiences.


The Fédération des Etablissements d’Enseignement Supérieur d’Intérêt Collectif (Federation of Higher Education Institutions of Collective Interest), known as FESIC, comprises 25 of France’s leading engineering and management schools in the humanities and social sciences. Its mission is to pool experience and practices, advocate for their collective interests, and engage with public authorities. Members share the same educational principles, including a commitment to academic excellence, internationalisation of curricula, advancement of research, cooperation with business organisations and other higher education stakeholders, and student development focusing on human and social skills.


The National Foundation for Business School Education (FNEGE) is a Public Utility Establishment, founded by decree on 15 May 1968 by the public authorities. FNEGE’s primary mission is to develop and promote management higher education in France and to raise it to a level of excellence. The Foundation is a prime forum for dialogue and collaboration between Universities, University Business Schools (IAE), Grandes Ecoles (Management Chapter of the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles) and companies and organisations.


Since 2003, IBSA (International Business School Alliance) has provided double-degree programmes between accredited institutions in the United States and Europe. These programmes aim to equip students with essential international skills for their academic


ESSCA is an associate member of the Université Catholique de l’Ouest.