Founded in 1909, ESSCA is a Private Higher Education Institution of General Interest (EESPIG), operating as a not-for-profit association under the 1901 law. It is a member of the Université Catholique de l'Ouest, FESIC, and the French Conférence des Grandes Écoles.

ESSCA’s governance structure comprises several bodies. These include the Board of Trustees, the Executive Committee, the International Strategic Committee, the Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility Advisory Committee, and the Digital Advisory Committee.

Christian NIBOUREL, chairman of the Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

The Board is composed of the Chair, along with founding members such as the Université Catholique de l’Ouest, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Alumni network. It also includes members who represent various stakeholders (students, parents’ association, Angers Loire Metropolitan Area, Maine-et-Loire department), and experts. The Board convenes four times annually, addressing budgetary matters and overarching objectives to ensure that the School’s strategic direction aligns seamlessly with the needs of the institution and the global market.

Chair: Christian NIBOUREL, President of OneUp

Vice-Chair: Professor Laurent PÉRIDY, Rector of the Université Catholique de l’Ouest


  • Catherine DAGORN, Managing Director of MCA FINANCE
  • Bruno PELUAU, Managing Director, Association St Yves – U.C.O
  • Marie MENARD, Managing Director – AUCHAN Avrillé
  • Vincent HAREL, CEO MERCER France
  • Stanislas de GASTINES, Partner – ERNST & YOUNG
  • Robin GIRAUD, President – Angers Campus Students’ Union 2023
  • Victor RICOUR, President – Paris Campus Students’ Union 2023
  • Patricia DUMOULIN, President of CAPESSCA (in French)
  • Élodie JEANNETEAU, Local Councillor – Department of Maine-et-Loire
  • Grégory BLANC, Local Councillor – Department of Maine-et-Loire
  • Constance NEBBULA, Vice-President – Angers Loire Métropole Area
  • Françoise LEGOFF, Social & Economic Committee Representative – ESSCA
  • Alexander KAMMER, Social & Economic Committee Representative – ESSCA
  • Marjorie TENDERO, Joint Committee – ESSCA
  • François VIAUD, Joint Committee – ESSCA

Permanent guest member: Jean CHARROIN participating as Dean & CEO of ESSCA School of Management

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee oversees all of ESSCA’s activities in France, Europe, and internationally. It operates in alignment with the recommendations of the Board of Trustees and ensures their implementation across the School’s various departments and services.

Jean Charroin

Dean & CEO

Isabelle Dreno

Deputy CEO Resources & Transformation Support

Benjamin Morisse

Vice Dean Strategy and Institutional Relations

Gilles Béquet

Director of Human Resources

Paul-Adrien Buf

Operations Manager

Marie Courtois

Director of Student Experience

Muriel Jacquelin

Director of International Relations

Pascale Moreau

Director of Communications and Public Relations

David Ranc

Associate Dean for Compliance and Accreditations

Guillaume Schier

Dean for Faculty and Research

Christine Sinapi

Director of Academic Programmes

Stéphanie Villemagne

Director of Operations and International Development

International Advisory Board

Comprised of members from the higher education community and internationally recognized business leaders, the Committee convenes once or twice a year to address the strategic challenges confronting the school.

  • Francesco MATTINA, President of CPVO (France)
  • Carl PATTYN, CEO of Scania France (Belgium)
  • Nathalie LE MEUR, President of Nass & Wind (Germany / France)
  • Prof. Dr Steven DE HAES, Dean of Antwerp Management School (Belgium)
  • Anne WILSON, General Manager of the South African Business School Association (South Africa)
  • Prof. Dr Andrea SIANESI, President of Fondazione Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
  • Prof. Dr Zita ZOLTAY PAPRIKA, Associate Director of EFMD (Hungary)
  • Prof. Dr Meltem MUFTULER-BAC, Dean of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of Sabanci University – Istanbul (Turkey)

Corporate Social Responsibility Advisory Board

The purpose of this body is to examine the societal and environmental issues on which ESSCA wishes to take a position in its programmes, research, student life or in its own practices as an institution. It brings together experts alongside the general management team.

  • Nikita DOROCHEV, co-founder of SOSEI
  • Lucile HÉARD-CHAPELET, Business and Regional Development Manager – VEGEPOLYS Valley
  • Iga OLEJNIK, Sustainability Analyst – ECOVADIS
  • Marine LE PICARD, Founder & CEO – My Little Green Star
  • Francesco MATTINA, President of CPVO
  • Sylvain WASERMANN, President of ADEME

Digital Advisory Board

The purpose of this think tank, which brings together digital experts from diverse business sectors, is to recommend ways in which ESSCA can distinguish itself and foster the sharing professional practices.

  • Vincent BRISSOT, Vice President Global Commercial Operations – Illumina
  • Sofia CUELLO, Braze Campaign Manager – Bla Bla Car
  • Abhin POOJARI, Data Analyst
  • Maï DE LA ROCHEFORDIERE, Senior Advisor – Orange

To be ranked among the top 30 European Business Schools

ESSCA School of Management’s Odyssée 20/24 strategic plan aims to elevate the institution to one of the top 10 in France and among the top 30 in Europe, providing an exceptional working, research, and learning environment. Developed through a collaborative effort involving all stakeholders, the strategic plan is guided by three key principles: organisational design, innovation, and quality.

Two years after launching Odyssée 20/24, ESSCA updated the strategic plan in 2022, focusing on five key areas:

1. Opening new locations in Europe
2. Increased commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
3. Enriched and responsible student experience
4. Development of its programme portfolio
5. Overhaul of the School’s brand identity

Its international focus has shifted towards Europe as part of the dynamic European Higher Education Area. ESSCA, already established in six cities in France (Aix-en-Provence, Angers, Bordeaux, Lyon, Paris, and Strasbourg) and two internationally (Budapest and Shanghai), expanded its presence in Europe in 2023. It opened two new sites: Malaga in Spain and Luxembourg, welcoming both French and international students and launching new programmes.

We aim to encourage intra-European mobility among our students, whilst staying aligned with our social responsibility goals. This initiative will streamline administrative processes and minimise their carbon footprint. Additionally, by establishing ourselves in three major European locations, ESSCA aims to actively engage in national policy discussions.

Adopting the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals across the institution

Recognised for its social and societal commitment, ESSCA aims to further enhance the CSR dimension of its action plan. In addition to adjusting tuition fees based on family income, ESSCA has introduced new measures such as prevention and health policies, improved psychological and educational support for its students, and the establishment of charters dedicated to sustainable development in collaboration with associations.

ESSCA’s mission is to educate future responsible managers. In alignment with the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the School has introduced various initiatives to encourage student engagement beyond the classroom. Alongside the “Solidarity Induction Weeks” organised since 2021 with Splash Projects and in 2022 with Make Sense, ESSCA’s Student Experience Department provides students with high-impact activities throughout the year.

Since 2020, ESSCA has revised its programme portfolio in response to emerging societal and economic needs. The introduction of ESSCA Online Campus, a fully digital platform, focuses on training “Next Gen Leaders” in areas such as cryptocurrencies, green transformation, and digital innovation. In 2022, the postgraduate cycle of the Master’s in Management Programme will undergo significant changes, emphasising professional skills aligned with the expectations of companies and organisations. This overhaul also aims to enhance programme culture and hybridisation.

ESSCA has begun an ambitious investment plan dedicated to new constructions or the renovation of existing buildings and integrating cutting-edge technologies for educational, scientific, and managerial purposes. Additionally, the School is working to make its campuses carbon neutral by 2035. To accomplish this goal, ESSCA is preparing campus development plans, such as those in Aix-en-Provence and Bordeaux, and exploring innovative and responsible participatory financing options.

The Odyssée 20/24 plan also seeks to reinforce ESSCA’s influence in France and internationally, targeting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), intermediate-sized companies (ETIs), and major corporations. This strategic realignment aims to propel ESSCA among the top 30 business schools in Europe.