ESSCA: About us

The leading international business school that opens up all possibilities

A historic and dynamic institution

Founded in 1909 in Angers, ESSCA is a renowned business school both in France and internationally, driven by a solid and ambitious vision. For over a century, the institution has been shaping responsible managers and entrepreneurs, empowering organisations to successfully navigate their transformations.

ESSCA boasts a network of more than 20,000 alumni enjoying rich and diverse careers across the globe. Currently, we support 7,000 students in undergraduate, postgraduate and executive education programmes, facilitated by a highly committed team of over 500 professors and administrative support staff.

Continuously evolving, ESSCA operates across 10 campuses: Aix‐en‐Provence, Angers, Bordeaux, LyonParis, Strasbourg, Budapest, Luxembourg, Malaga and Shanghai. Thanks to this multi-campus identity, ESSCA contributes to the attractiveness of its regions and elevates the reputation of French research and higher education worldwide.

A School that believes in unlocking the potential of each student

With a network of partner universities in 56 countries and close collaborations with 2,500 companies worldwide, students at ESSCA have numerous opportunities for growth.

This international outlook will enable you to thrive in a multicultural environment, develop your understanding of the world and encourage an appreciation for diverse cultures.

Are you ready to join us?


Quality Programmes for diverse profiles

ESSCA offers a range of degree programmes available at the undergraduate, postgraduate, or continuing education levels. Each programme emphasises the development of skills in sustainable development, ethics, and corporate social responsibility, aimed at nurturing responsible leaders.

Undergraduate and postgraduate

ESSCA offers a diverse range of management programmes tailored to the needs and aspirations of a wide range of students and employers. Its dedication to academic excellence has led to the development of a portfolio of renowned programmes, equipping students to tackle the challenges of the business world with confidence.

Master in Management

This programme, leading to an accredited Master’s degree (Bac +5), is accessible directly after high school, or through parallel admissions from your current higher education institution. It unfolds in two distinct phases: the first cycle (1st, 2nd, and 3rd years) provides a foundation of essential management skills in an international context, while the Master’s cycle (4th and 5th years) allows you to deepen your business expertise and specialise in a particular field.

Bachelor in International Management

Culminating in an undergraduate degree (Bac +3), our Bachelor in International Management places experiential learning at the core of its curriculum, equipping you with the skills truly sought-after by companies. Our programme offers hands-on courses directly linked to the dynamics of the business world and the local economic landscape. Special attention is given to exploring diverse cultures and learning methodologies, including a semester of study abroad.

Masters of Science

Each of our MSc programmes spans three semesters, consisting of two academic semesters taught in English, and one internship aimed at cultivating your practical business experience. The MSc is open to students who have completed 4 years of study or earned a total of 240 ECTS credits. Upon graduation, you will obtain 90 ECTS credits. Whether your ambitions lie in Sustainable Management & Social Impact, Global Business Management, or Finance and Data Analytics, … there’s an MSc programme tailored to your career goals.

Advanced Master in Digital Management

This course is available in a work-study or executive education format, requiring either a 5-year degree qualification or a 4-year degree qualification and 3 years professional experience. Focused on driving digital transformation and business development within companies, this Advanced Master’s is recognised by employers as a 6-year postgraduate degree in France.

Executive Education

If you are an executive, manager, or frontline staff member looking to upgrade your skills, explore the range of continuing education courses on offer at ESSCA.

MBA Business & Technology

Launched in partnership with the École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers, approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR) and registered with the National Register of Professional Qualifications (RNCP), this experiential online MBA programme equips leaders with the expertise needed for technological and environmental transformation in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape.

Executive Master in Global Management

Designed for seasoned professionals, this accredited Master’s programme provides opportunities to enhance your strategic vision and refine your project and team management skills. Geared toward aspiring leaders aiming for high-level roles in business unit management or business development.

Automotive Distribution and Services Manager BADGE qualification

Accredited by the French Confederation of Grandes Ecoles (CGE) and registered with the RNCP (National Register of Professional Certifications) at level 7, this course is tailored for automotive professionals seeking to develop management skills.

Inter-company training

The catalogue covers 8 different training areas, each lasting 6 to 12 days, offering you a practical and effective way to developing specific business skills.

Customised training

At ESSCA, we understand that your company’s needs are unique. That’s why we offer tailored programmes designed specifically for your staff, available in hybrid or fully remote learning formats. We firmly believe in the importance of lifelong learning for your success. Our programmes are carefully crafted to guide learners through every phase of their careers, equipping them for success in an ever-evolving business landscape.

Christian NIBOUREL and Jean CHARROIN

By choosing ESSCA, you will be at the centre of our attention. We’re committed to providing you with the tools to become the leaders of tomorrow - competent, open-minded, socially and environmentally conscious, creative, enterprising and endlessly enthusiastic!

A Globally Recognised Institution: Prestigious Accreditations

ESSCA’s triple international accreditation (AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS) positions it among the elite group of “Triple Crown” business schools worldwide, representing less than 1% of institutions. This demonstrates the institution’s commitment to achieving excellence against the highest international standards in higher education.

ESSCA is a proud member of the Confederation of French Grandes Écoles (CGE), an organisation that comprises the country’s foremost higher education and research institutions.

ESSCA is qualified as a Private Higher Education Institution of General Interest (EESPIG) and managed by a non-profit association. This guarantees ESSCA’s contribution to various public service missions, including:

  • Widening participation.
  • Contribution to a shared educational policy through consultation on course provision and research cooperation.
  • Support for student success and providing lifelong learning opportunities for professionals throughout their careers.

After conducting an assessment of its impact in 2018 through the BSIS (Business School Impact System) label awarded by the FNEGE* and EFMD**, ESSCA renewed the certification in 2023 for the School’s contribution to the development and influence of its local and regional communities. For the first time, the impact zone studied covered the whole of France, reflecting the expansion of ESSCA’s campuses to include Aix-en-Provence, Angers, Bordeaux, Lyon, Paris and Strasbourg.

Recognised both in France and internationally, ESSCA is dedicated to repositioning the human element at the heart of tomorrow’s economy, promoting the social economy, and generating tangible impact across society.

Graduates who integrate quickly and successfully into professional life:

  • 92 % secure employment within 3 months
  • 79% sign employment contracts before completing their studies
  • 54% occupy international positions

Source: 2023 ESSCA Master in Management graduate employment survey